Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Woke Up

Woke up early again. Maybe not as early as some people out there. But after spending time putting this blog together, and laying down somewhere between 2 and 3am, only to fall asleep at least 30 min to an hour later, yeah, 8:30am is a lil early.
One of these days I'm gonna get a full night's sleep. Maybe I'll get one when I actually get an adult work schedule. Then maybe I can actually have an adult life.
Wait, I'm supposed to be talking about waking up. Yeah, easily only about 4 hrs of sleep. 3 and a half if you count me randomly waking up throughout the night/morning. and I get to do it all over again for the next to days...
Ah well, no use in complaining. I'm up, so I guess that means I have shit to do.

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